This is the website of the Tempe Supervisors Association. Bookmark it and check back to stay up to date on issues, events and perspectives. We will make every effort to keep you informed, but, most importantly, we want to know what you are thinking.
Specific items in the MOU are subject to negotiation during a process known as Meet and Confer. Dues-paying members receive legal aid benefits, voting privileges and can serve as representatives, on six-sided partnership committees and on the executive board. Members are fully backed by the association when a supervisor is being investigated with the potential for disciplinary actions up to and including merit board hearings.
A person whose on-going job duties include being responsible for actively hiring, evaluating and terminating individuals employed in a regular and/or temporary position.
All dues-paying and non-paying Tempe Supervisors are considered unit members of the TSA. Tempe Supervisors' wages, benefits and working conditions are covered by a Memorandum of Understanding approved by the city council.
Tempe Supervisors Association
Lauri Oszakiewski, Treasurer
Jonni Wolfe, Trustee